studio 2

mostly about a home-studio we are were building in the Aro Valley


Looking into the floor deck component, and a chat about helicopters.

Prior to my chat with the helicopter experts, I was thinking of lifting the main living deck in two components, with the weight of each coming in at about 1250kg: well within the lifting capacity of some of HeliPro's choppers…


Assembly sequencing

I've spent some time working out how to chunk all the building components into little bits which can be hoisted into place via chopper.


More pics, and the gizUlor so far…

Some more imagery, and a stab at what to put inside.


Get it whilst its hot!

Here's a temp post of a v.quick flythough of last night's endeavours.

Why temp? Its quite large in size, and in a month or three I'll have to dump it from the all-sorts web-server to conserve space.

Hang-on: strike that. I've just exported a smaller version which should be able to hang out on the server for quite a while — its also friendlier to those on slow connections…


A candidate arrives.

This is the first design that seems to answer the site criteria without too many cost-traps…


